
才年僅25歲,來自英國Hertfordshire哈特福郡的帥哥James Bay

推薦這兩首歌Hold Back The River move together  

就收錄在他的最新專輯Chaos And The Calm  

本專輯十顆星推薦 強烈建議購買



Hold Back The River



Move Together



James Bay  

2013 年出道至今



就已經引起音樂圈一片看好       Taylor Swift都在關注他


主要原因除了他本身長的帥又高又有型 還得了獎    重點是音樂很棒歌聲也真的很好聽





剛好就是全英音樂獎 Critics’ Choice Award  樂評人選擇獎




因為代表真的受到懂音樂的人的喜愛  是真的有才華真的好聽





2008 – Adele

2009 – Florence & The Machine

2010 – Ellie Goulding

2011 – Jessie J

2012 – Emeli Sandé

2013 – Tom Odell

2014 – Sam Smith


今年2015 就是我們這位James Bay


夠經典吧  他們耳朵不是蓋的




從他的歌看得出來  他也有著很清澈的心靈


要搖滾就搖滾 要悲傷就悲傷  要民謠就民謠 要藍調就藍調






1        Craving

2        Hold Back The River

3        Let It Go

4        If You Ever Want To Be In Love

5        Best Fake Smile

6        When We Were On Fire

7        Move Together

8        Scars

9        Collide

10      Get Out While You Can

11      Need The Sun To Break

12      Incomplete


列入今年必聽  推薦給大家  馬上加入play list ~



Hold Back The River歌詞


Tried to keep you close to me,

But life got in between

Tried to square not being there

But think that I should have been


Hold back the river, let me look in your eyes

Hold back the river, so I

Can stop for a minute and see where you hide

Hold back the river, hold back


Once upon a different life

We rode our bikes into the sky

But now we call against the tide

Those distant days are flashing by


Hold back the river, let me look in your eyes

Hold back the river, so I

Can stop for a minute and be by your side

Hold back the river, hold back


Hold back the river, let me look in your eyes

Hold back the river, so I

Can stop for a minute and see where you hide

Hold back the river, hold back


Hold oho, oho, oho, oho

Oho, oho, oho, oho


Lonely water, lonely water, won't you let us wander

Let us hold each other

Lonely water, lonely water, won't you let us wander

Let us hold each other


Hold back the river, let me look in your eyes

Hold back the river, so I

Can stop for a minute and be by your side

Hold back the river, hold back


Hold back the river, let me look in your eyes

Hold back the river, so I

Can stop for a minute and be by your side

Hold back the river, hold


Lonely water, lonely water, won't you let us wander

Let us hold each other

Lonely water, lonely water, won't you let us wander

Let us hold each other




Move Together 歌詞


Home now, end of the night

It's colder to turn on your side

And I know you're up in two hours

We didn't get tonight, we don't have tomorrow

So don't ruin now.


How we gonna move together? Just come closer

If we don't move together, just come closer

How we gonna breathe? How we gonna be together?

Just keeping the peace between the sheets


And I creep in, everything's loud

I'm sorry for walking you now

And we argue the tiniest thing

We didn't get tonight, we don't have tomorrow

So I'm done whispering, done whispering.


How we gonna move together? Just come closer

If we don't move together, just come closer

How we gonna breathe? How we gonna be together?

Just keeping the peace between the sheets.


So maybe don't give me cold shoulder

Before you go turn around, let me hold you

Let me sit in the dark of the morning

Yeah, it's more one thing now


How we gonna move together? Just come closer

If we don't move together, come closer

How we gonna breathe? How we gonna be together?

Just keeping the peace, just keeping the peace

Just keeping the peace between these sheet

    創作者 Ms.Aman 阿曼小姐 的頭像
    Ms.Aman 阿曼小姐

    Ms.Aman 阿曼小姐

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