It's such a funny sensation to be So happy that you wanna die Promises always were crazy to me But never was I so surprised
Minutes are longer when we are apart Your presence's more than I can handle It's come to the point where I wonder if I Could ever be luckier
When suddenly I'm back at the core Thinking of her who had you before Were you as good As good as we are Do you remember? Did you love her the way you love me? Is there a chance that there might be Traces of her that you carry under the surface?
Lend me your ears, I would like to confess I'm doubting that you could be real By your side wearing a beautiful dress I celebrate how good it feels
Say that you love me, say that it's true I know that I want to believe you But somehow silence speaks louder than words I'm worried she's still on your mind
Suddenly I'm back at the core Thinking of her who had you before Were you as good As good as we are Do you remember? Did you love her the way you love me? Is there a chance that there might be Traces of her that you carry under the surface?
Mmm I know that I'm selfish I know that it's bad I know, but it's driving me mad It's driving me mad
Suddenly I'm back at the core Thinking of her who had you before Were you as good As good as we are Do you remember? Did you love her the way you love me? Is there a chance that there might be Traces of her that you carry under the surface? Under the surface Under the surface
留住一片情 (A Walk To Remember)主題曲
Mandy Moore - Only Hope
There's a song that's inside of my soul
It's the one that I've tried to write over and over again
I'm awake and in the infinite cold
But you sing to me over and over and over again
Sunday is Gloomy 黑色的星期天
My hours are slumberless 我的時間在沉睡
Dearest, the shadows I live with are numberless 親愛的,我生活在無數暗影中
Little white flowers will never awaken you 白色的小花將不再能喚醒你
Not where the black coach of sorrow has taken you 黑色的悲傷轎車上載著你
Angels have no thought of ever returning you 天使們將不會回顧到你
Would they be angry if I thought of joining you 他們是不是憤怒了 因為我想加入你們
Gloomy Sunday 絕望的星期天
Sunday is gloomy 黑色的星期天
with shadows I spend it all 和暗影一起我將它結束
來自法國的浪漫電子樂團Air,當年以專輯《Moon Safari》紅透了半邊天,它把法國人浪漫的氣質通過電子樂淋漓盡致的表現了出來,特有的半說半唱的演唱方法結合流行音樂、加之當今的電子元素,使作品中瀰漫著新浪潮感覺和懷舊氣息!專輯中運用了大量電子特效,同時也又加入傳統樂器音色,大顯浪漫和瀟灑之氣質,音樂飄渺、清新,令人賞心悅目!專輯開頭的「La Femme D'Argent」在一片潮水聲和模仿非洲手鼓的節奏中登場,模擬80年代早期合成器的鍵盤很快讓慵懶的爵士情懷佔據了耳膜,生動含蓄的音符跳躍在空氣裡,緩緩的震動下彷彿置身於飄渺的太空。稍顯凝重的節奏在接下來的「Sexy Boy」中展開,Air騷癢式的音效一下一下規整地撞擊耳鼓,背景是晶瑩剔透的電子合成器音色,女聲被處理成疏離的電子感受,一遍遍地重複著簡約的一句 Sexy Boy的唱詞。懷舊感強烈的「All I Need」請來了美國女歌手Beth Hirsch客串,電子蛙音和原音吉它的開場簡直叫人欲仙欲死,飄逸的女聲也有一種美妙的催眠效果,鍵盤的適時加入妙到顛毫。復古的電聲在「Kelly Watch The Sky」中延續著,和「Sexy Boy」有著異曲同工之妙,音樂上的幽默感和偶爾的惡作劇表現在曲子的後半段表露無疑。氛圍化的感覺在純音樂的「Talisman」中再次迎面而來,像是對第一首曲子的呼應,弦樂在中段的加入足以讓你的雙腳離開地面,空曠的、虛幻的空氣啊!掛了效果的人聲在「Remember」一曲中顯得冷感、凋落,不斷重複著的「Remember together remember forever"這一句歌詞,和著鼓聲的反覆,隱隱地灼傷了皮膚和心靈。一陣風聲掠過,穿過太空的電子聲波,「You Make ItEasy」來了,旋律上口,傷感無奈又點到為止,搖擺的月影,婆娑的舞蹈,Beth Hirsch繼續甜膩膩地吟唱,弦樂段落和電子聲效也跑出來作怪。歌名古怪的「Ce Matin La」中Air請來著名樂手P.Woodcock演奏長號,帶出了濃得化不開的老爵士風情,空心吉它點綴其間,突然Panl Anka「Time Of Your Life」熟悉的旋律在耳邊響起,不由得人對逝去的時光油然而生恍若隔世的感受。「New Star In The Sky」再次使人跌落在縹緲的太空之中,後半段孩子們打鬧的聲效和長笛的嗚咽叫人陷入無法自拔的緬懷。專輯最後一首「Le Voyage De Penelope」由遼遠、空靈的鋼琴開場,引出蛙音的鍵盤和旋律主題,一步三回頭,一步三回頭,和著號的哀鳴,Air向我們作了惜別。
I get lost in your eyes 我迷失了 迷失在你的眼神之中
And I feel my spirits rise 我的心情越來越好
And soar like the wind.. 像一陣風不斷的竄升
Is it love that I am in? 難道我墜入情海?
I get weak in a glance 深情一瞥 我變得脆弱
Isn't that what's called romance? 難道這就是所謂的浪漫?
...And now I know 現在 我明白了
'Cause when I'm lost I can't let go 因為 我有種迷失的感覺 我不願讓它溜走
I don't mind not knowing what I'm headed for 我不在乎 我將去向何方
You can take me to the skies... 你可以帶我飛向藍天